There was a question with the same title 1 year and 7 months ago on stack overflow, and this question is closed.
I used the script from Javier:
import socket
import sys
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def send_utf8(msg):
if __name__ == '__main__':
sock.connect(('localhost', 9009))
with open("YOUR_FILE") as infile:
for line in infile:
# print(line)
except socket.error as e:
sys.stderr.write(f'Got error: {e}')
it works but after some seconds I got an error:
Got error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
I tried to slow down the script with a sleep(0.01), so I got a little more data into questDB but after some minutes there comes also the error again. And I also tried something with “signal” I found on stack overflow, but I din’t get it work for my whole file with 18GB. Can somebody help me to extend the script for continuous work.
You should be able to skip the ‘generate data’ steps, as you already have a file to send. Also, you can skip the gzip steps.
Alternatively, you can modify your original approach and instead send the lines in POST requests to /write HTTP endpoint i.e at localhost:9000/write. This endpoint accepts ILP text and inserts it into your table.
./tsbs_load_questdb --file ~/Downloads/test.lp --workers 4
time,per. metric/s,metric total,overall metric/s,per. row/s,row total,overall row/s
2024/09/05 01:04:19 parse error: line does not have 3 tuples, has 4
I tried a little bit more and found out that there is a problem with number of lines:
60.000 lines work
head -n 60000 ~/Downloads/biogas.lp >> ~/Downloads/test.lp./tsbs_load_questdb --file ~/Downloads/test.lp --workers 4
time,per. metric/s,metric total,overall metric/s,per. row/s,row total,overall row/s
loaded 60000 metrics in 0.007sec with 4 workers (mean rate 9171857.68 metrics/sec)
loaded 60000 rows in 0.007sec with 4 workers (mean rate 9171857.68 rows/sec)
60.001 do not work, and there is no problem in line 60.001 → I also tried do delete line 1 from 60.001 and the file work’s.
head -n 60001 ~/Downloads/biogas.lp >> ~/Downloads/test.lp
./tsbs_load_questdb --file ~/Downloads/test.lp --workers 4
time,per. metric/s,metric total,overall metric/s,per. row/s,row total,overall row/s
2024/09/06 18:08:35 parse error: line does not have 3 tuples, has 4